Wangen Murduin® Aboriginal Health Services

Integrated Team Care (ITC) Program

Arche Health’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) health care team delivers well-established programs and services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the South East, North West and Perth Metropolitan areas. The program provides culturally appropriate primary healthcare support, contributing towards closing the health expectancy gap between Aboriginal people and non-Indigenous Australians.

Aboriginal people experience a higher incidence of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and renal (kidney) disease than the rest of the Australian population. The reported prevalence of diabetes for example, is two to four times higher in Aboriginal people than in the non-Aboriginal population. Arche Health For more information on our programs, please refer to the links below.

The Arche Health Wangen Murduin Integrated Team Care (ITC) program aims to improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who suffer from chronic disease.

The FREE program strives to provide access to high quality, culturally appropriate health care services, including care coordination.

The Wangen Murduin ITC program is delivered by a team of Indigenous Health Project OfficersIndigenous Outreach Workers and Care Coordinators.

Integrated Team Care – Program Brochure


The Wangen Murduin ITC Staff will assist you with:

  • Work with your doctor to support you with your health care plans
  • Visit you at home
  • Assist you to access services
  • Include appropriate clinical care
  • Arrange appointments when required
  • Ensure regular GP visits
  • Deliver medication and assist with a medication review
  • Involve you in the decisions about your health care
  • Advocate and assist with any barriers
  • Follow up with your health care schedule
  • Assist you with transport to medical appointments


  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Priority should be given to clients with complex chronic care needs who require multidisciplinary coordinated care in order to manage their chronic disease(s).  This includes, but is not limited to, clients with diabetes, eye health conditions associated with diabetes, mental health conditions, cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and chronic renal disease.
  • GP referral
  • Care Plan completed by a GP

Benefits of the program

  • FREE to access
  • Improved management of chronic conditions
  • Deliver medication and assist with a medication review
  • Professional staff who are available to support and help you
  • Education and understanding of your health conditions
  • Coordination of health care
  • Referral to other health management programs

Referral Process

A GP referral is Essential – [ PDF version] [ Word Doc Version] [Word Rtf Verison]

To refer patients/clients for Wangen Murduin ITC Program please contact the Aboriginal Health Team on


Supplementary Service Funds

  • Medical specialist appointments
  • Allied health appointments
  • Transport to medical appointments
  • Medical equipment
  • Blood glucose equipment
  • Medical footwear
  • Webster packs
  • Assistive breathing equipment

My Health Record – a huge support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

My Health Record has a very positive role to play in improving your health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. My Health Record is an online summary of a person’s key health information. It allows you to share and control your health information with doctors, hospitals and other healthcare providers from anywhere, at any time.


Arche Health acknowledges WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) for providing funding in its role as the operator of the Perth North West, Inner and South PHN. While the Australian Government Department of Health, via WAPHA, has contributed funding to Arche Health, the information contained in this brochure does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and/or WAPHA and is not advice that it is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government and/or WAPHA. The Australian Government and/or WAPHA is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided herein.